Certified Access 10x10x10 Summit

The work to level the playing field and sustain economic opportunity will take strong partnerships and courageous conversations between Women of Color business owners, government entities, and corporations.

At the Certified Access 10x10x10 Summit, attendees hear from powerful and inspirational Women of Color business owners, corporate leaders, and government leaders, who have called out the status quo and disrupted procurement norms in extraordinary ways.

Attendees also learn firsthand the strategies to build impactful procurement diversity programs, unpack spend data, and the tools and resources necessary to become certified.

We hope to see you at the next SUMMIT!

Thank You to our Past Summit Partners

Champion Partner

Champion Partner

Supporter Partner

Supporter Partner

Media Partner

Media Partner

Knowledge Partner

Knowledge Partner

Knowledge Partner

Knowledge Partner



To learn how to partner with Certified Access, please contact us at build@certifiedaccess.co for more information.